Recycled packaging initiative


We’re dedicated to using more post consumer recycled plastic in our packaging. That’s why our core range of Cadbury Tablets in the UK and Ireland are now wrapped in 80% recycled plastic based on a mass balance approach which is certified by the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC).

This initiative across the UK and Ireland will use the equivalent amount of ~600 tonnes of post consumer recycled plastic per year *

*forecasted volume for the first full year on the market (2026), Sep. 2024

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The mass balance principle means that we sourced and allocated an amount of recycled material that meets ISCC's certification requirements, in order to produce the new Cadbury tablets packaging wrapped in 80% recycled plastic. The mass balance approach makes it possible to track the amount and characteristics of circular material in the ISCC certified value chain and attribute it based on verifiable bookkeeping.

When the mass balance principle is used, the physical amount of recycled plastic in the packaging can vary. We attribute an equivalent amount of 80% recycled plastic, but the physical amount of recycled plastic can be more or less.

The film below helps explain things further.

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Our new Cadbury tablet packaging is designed to be recyclable. Where collection, sorting and advanced recycling technology exists, your Cadbury wrapper or other flexible plastic could be turned back into new packaging. Our packs can be taken to selected collection points near you (UK only). We are a founding member of the Flexible Plastic Fund and Flex Collect project.

(Image right) Although not yet widely available, this model shows how the recycling economy for flexible plastic functions when collection, sorting, and advanced recycling technology are in place.

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